Friday, September 7, 2012

Longleaf Wildflowers Tour and Picnic

Mobile Botanical Gardens is hosting a member appreciation event (open to non-members as well--seriously you're not a member yet?)! It's next Saturday (15 September) from 10am until 12pm.

It's FREE for members, but only $5 for non-members.


Here's the information from the MBG website:

September is the season when the Mobile Botanical Garden’s longleaf pine forest begins to show its true colors. We’re anticipating waves of purple blazing stars, along with the lipstick red of wild basil, the earliest golden and blue asters, and some pretty spectacular blooming grasses, like purple love grass, which even has the Latin name Eragrostis spectabilis. These bloomers should also be attracting a lot of butterflies and even hummingbirds. We’ll examine how controlled burning has contributed to the beauty, park-like atmosphere, and unusual light characteristics of the longleaf forest. We’ll understand how one very special pine, the longleaf, made this community possible.
 After the tour, we’ll have an old-time southern longleaf picnic – bring a picnic basket, or sack lunch, and we’ll supply the drinks. Bill Finch will read excerpts from “Longleaf Far As the Eye Can See,” his upcoming book with Beth Maynor Young.
Details: Meet in the parking area at 10 am. Suggested attire: long pants and comfortable shoes. Hats and sunscreen optional.

Important Information:

When: Saturday 15 September 10am until 12pm

Where: Meeting in the Mobile Botanical Garden at 10am.

How: Wear long pants and comfortable shoes. They say sunscreen is optional, but remember, no tan is a "healthy tan." Hats are also recommended.

Why: Too many reasons to name them all, so here are our top 2. 1. It's a great way to spend time with the family. 2. The Gulf Coast has a splendid natural beauty. You owe it to yourself to enjoy it!

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