Monday, May 21, 2012

Stain, Stain, Go Away!

If you've been enjoying the beautiful weather we've had lately, you've probably spent a fair amount of time in your garden or yard. It's not uncommon after a long day of trimming hedges and tree branches, digging holes, pulling weeds, and mowing the lawn to come in with some grass, dirt, and even blood stains on your clothing. I know most of us probably aren't out there in any Louis Vuitton, but that doesn't mean it's okay to let the stains stay. Here are some easy tips to knock those stains out!

As always, when  trying new cleaning or stain removal techniques, try it out in an inconspicuous place first. You don't to ruin anything because of rashness. 

1. The first tip is a classic: Club Soda. Soak the item of clothing in club soda for a few hours to help loosen up stains, then wash as normal.
2. Hydrogen Peroxide. Yes, it's not just for cuts!
3. Baking Soda. Make a paste using 6 tablespoons of baking soda and 1/2 cup of water. Rub this on clothing to help remove stains.
4. Effervescent tablets. That's right. It doesn't just get stains off dentures. It'll get them off your shorts too!
5. Last, but not least, one of our best friends, Vinegar. Just soak the clothes in vinegar, then wash as normal.

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