Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oh My Aching (fill in the blank) !

Gardening can put a lot of stress on your body, so it's important that you stretch properly. Some strength building exercises can also be helpful.

I've compiled some of the best gardening exercises from all over to help keep you from pulling a muscle instead of a weed.

Gardening involves a lot of bending and can leave many people with back pain. Here are some exercises to strengthen your back and help you stay healthy.

The Bird Dog!

Get on all fours, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Tighten your stomach and leg muscles. Then, raise your right hand and left foot simultaneously and hold them straight out for 6 ~ 10 seconds. Now, switch and hold out your left hand and right foot. Remember to keep your back straight! Do this 10 times per side.

The Swimmer!

Lie flat on the floor, face down, with your arms stretched straight out over your head and your legs straight back. Like with The Bird Dog, you're going to raise your right arm and left leg simultaneously and hold for 6 ~ 10 seconds. Then, raise your left arm and right leg in the same way. Do this ten times per side.


The Superman!

While in The Swimmer's starting position on the ground, raise both of your arms and your legs simultaneously  (like superman flying). Hold this for 6 ~ 10 seconds.  Repeat 10 times.

The Squat!

Keep your torso upright and your stomach tight. Stand with your legs shoulder width and your feet facing forward. Bend your knees and lower yourself until your bottom is about the same height as your knees. Be sure to keep your back straight and don't stick your butt out! If you're having trouble with balance, try using a chair for support and build up to doing it freestyle.


page 119 of "Stretching" from

For those of you into yoga, try some garden yoga early in the morning before the heat hits. It'll help you stay in shape and give you peace of mind!
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