Monday, August 13, 2012

Alabama Red-belly

As you know, taking care of gardens doesn't stop at your property line. Everything in nature is intrinsically connected. If you don't care for the plants and animals in your area, you're indirectly endangering your own plants. It is for this reason that many people are trying to conserve both plants (heirloom and organic) and animals (endangered species).

Today I'd like to highlight the Official Reptile of the State of Alabama.

Photograph by Bob Moul 2007

The Alabama Red-belly Turtle has been on the endangered species list since 1987 and was adopted as the state reptile since 1990. These beautiful turtles reside mainly in Mobile and Baldwin Counties, but they can also be found along the Mississippi Gulf Coast (Check the map from US Fish and Wildlife Services below and find out what other species are endangered in your state here).

The most distressing part of this creature's plight is that it is man-made. For the Alabama Red-belly, the number one cause of death is automobiles. That's right, even with all of the alligators, herons, feral hogs, fish crows, and raccoons out there preying on the hatchlings, more of these turtles are killed by our own cars than anything else.


There's good news, however. In 2008, a fence was erected along the causeway to help protect the baby turtles. And help it did! According to Dr. David Nelson of the University of South Alabama, 94 babies and 15 adults were hit by automobiles in 2007. In 2008, those numbers dropped to 19 hatchlings and 9 adults--an overall reductions of 80%!


This news is especially good, since a recent study concluded that roughly 6% of all drivers will actually swerve to hit animals in or near the road. 

The next time you're down on the bay and you see one of our friends trying to cross the road, stop the car and help them out. I promise you'll feel great for the rest of the day!


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